Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The Expression

"You have GOT to be kidding me!", "What in the world?", "Hello, do you not hear what I am saying?!" "Give me a break!"... Yep, that's me. Now that I see this in type (and yep, I did take Stacey's Journaling class - wonderful highly recommend that class!) it seems to me that I walk around in amazement most of the time. LOL... one prompt I'm the one who's nuts... the next, it's everyone else! That can't be a good sign. On another topic. Kristin's soon-to-be college roommate called this morning to introduce herself. I feel this strange panic coming on. Rationally I know that I can get on a plane and be there with her in a couple of hours. It's her not being her. Her not coming the door after work or being here in the morning to let Jax out. I keep pushing the reality off into the distance, yet within a month, it'll be here.


Unknown said...

I'm am going to keep "Hello, do you not hear what I am saying?" in reserve. What a great phrase.

Glynis said...

Great phrases...and don't let the changes in your household scare you too much. From what I hear, every parent survives *LOL* !!

faery-wings said...

A lot of your phrases are ones I use too.

Good luck with DD. I can't imagine how hard that can be.