Leaves falling off the trees, wind wrustling (is that a word?)... the sky's are gray and it's a bit damp and cool. Weird weather for the end of August. Hmmmm, maybe I'm just hurrying it along with my wishful thinking.
Hannah's napping so I thought I'd upload this new stitching set which will be a freebie on Holly's new site coming up soon.
Any Designers out there looking for a new home... give me a shout out and we'll talk! :) Download it here.
Wonderful freebie! I always love some good stitching... makes it so easy... now if I could just figure out how to apply them to my daughter's clothes so I don't have to lug out the sewing machine! Lol. :D Thanks!
Thank you SO much! I LOVE stitching!
Thanks so much for your generosity - please drop by my site for a daily freebie element too! www.lalalime.blogspot.com
Thank you for the stitching! :)
Great stitching. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks a lot I love it and it so usefull
Thanks! I love stitches - use them all the time. These will go to great use!!!
Love the stitches, but the download limit has been reached. Any chance the link will be renewed?
gret stitches
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