Friday, June 15, 2007

A Little Proof...

Someone mentioned being surprised about all my kids and thier of course that's a great compliment so thanks! But here they are, same munchkins in my header... no editing included. So funny, they never grow up, they still had a ball at Animal Kingdom! Jason's even holding not one but two dinasour toys! Oh and kristin's holding her's too! And she couldn't leave without one of those big cups that filled your cabinets and NOBODY ever uses again!

Kristin's growing up... still amazes me every time I come across this photo.


Victoria said...

Your kids look wonderful and happy! Souvenir cups and things are such dust collectors at our house. I have started asking the kids if I can just take a photo with them by something they like and then I will make a layout for them. It actually works sometimes!

Great blog!

Cindy said...

Isn't it amazing how fast they grow up? Just yesterday I had three preschoolers... and I blinked,and now have three grandkids!!! Great photos, thanks for sharing them!

Kirstie said...

oh yes, those cups!! great photo of the 4 of them and a gorgeous one of your DD