I've always used blogger and now we have gone to wordpress on the site, so I'm learning wordpress now. Do you have a preference? I'm actually getting the hang of it now and it seems pretty user friendly. :)
TGIF Everyone~! Oh and here's my newest product, April's Romance. Boy was it ever fun making this one... much needed creative therapy! Ever have those kinds of days?

and since April's Romance is going to be the featured kit for the upcoming Quick Page Exchange... here's the posting bonus for participating

And here's a few example layouts

Thanks for looking and TGIF!
Allyson is cute!
I've used both blogger & wordpress. I like that its easier to comment when signed into blogger. Wordpress has more addons. But I prefer to use windows live writer and blogger.
I prefer blogger actually. just something about wordpress i struggle to customize it to the way i want.
Beautiful kit and layout. I've always used Blogger too, but it seems to be having so many problems lately, I've been thinking of changing to something else. xoxo
I'm a Wordpress girl all the way, but I've done web design for over 10 years and own my own domains, so I install and customize WP myself. I like having total control over what I do. :-)
And the kit is LOVELY - beautiful quick page too!
Gorgeous elements. Love the muted colors.
What a cute layout. I haven't used Wordpress. I really like Typepad because its so user friendly. My experience with Blogger was "eh" back when I first tried a free blog.
Beautiful layout and kit. I love the colors. I have only used blogger and love it, so I can't help you there.
What a little cutie you got in your los! Lovely new kit.
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