Sunday, March 09, 2008

It's Magical!

Sitting at dinner last night, just Hannah and I and she says to me, "So hard to chew with your lips closed." Then she paused, tried doing a little more polite chewing and slowly turns and smiles at me and finishes with, "we don't really have to right now, no one's here but you and me!".... What a riot...and what fun she is going to be as a teenager!

I always wanted to be able to do one of those magical layouts. I just never was any good at - just couldn't get the perspective right. Then yesterday I was playing around making some "springy like" kinda papers and the next I knew I was making wings... and then the magic happened! I think I love Saturdays!


Amanda said...

Cute layout! I love the star stepping stones!

Flergs said...

Fabulous layout! I can never get them to look right. But the wings look perfect from here.

Angela said...

OH this is a FAB layout! VERY PRETTY! And your wings are PERFECT! Mine always turn out wonky, lol...

Teresa said...

That is soo sweet! I love your magical layout :)

Jodie said...

Love the layout!! Fabulous job :)

AfriDigiDiva said...

I really like your blog header! I think I've told you that before, but just in case I hadn;'t I wanted to make sure that I did. The layout is just wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I quote agree with Hannah - and in your own home you can chew how you like **wink**

Beautiful layout :o)