What an emotional roller coaster ride. How do you stand and watch your child open an envelope that will forever change their life? How do you describe the feelings that wash over you when they are reading that piece of paper and say those words "I got accepted"! -- ? Now we have to get through the Prom and actual Graduation. Most of the time these days are spent holding back tears. Lord, thank you for all your blessings. I have so much to be thankful for.
Congratulations! Both my kids are in college this year. It is such a turning point in our childs as well as our own lives.
Awesome!!!! Congratulations to your daughter and your whole family for raising such a smart, well-rounded person! Now that's a great project!
Huge congrats to your daughter, and brava to you! I know she's excited about her next big adventure!
Huge congrats to your daughter, and brava to you! I know she's excited about her next big adventure!
This is fantastic! I am so proud for her and for you!
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