Monday, August 28, 2006

Meg's Prompt

Has there been anyone that you've encountered in your life (however briefly), that you wish you had gotten to know better?

There are quite a few actually. Teachers in school, friends of friends, even distant family members. The person though, that I wish I had gotten to know better was the husband of a friend. No, it's not what you're thinking! Sadly, he committed suicide and left a son and a widow. I wish I understood him better.


Unknown said...

Should have read you before posting mine. I didn't think of it in that context.

ArtcTrish said...

Its sad when someone commits want to know what is so awful that they had to end their life. I'm sorry for your friend's loss.

Lori said...

How sad, our Pastor's son committed suicide three years ago. He didn't come to church at all, we never knew him. Makes you wonder why life is so bad tho.

Meg said...

Oh that is so sad. But how wonderful that you wish you had known him better, that says a lot about who you are.

Elizabeth said...

how sad that someone who seemed to have so much felt so empty...

loonyhiker said...

As a teacher, I thought it was interesting that teachers were first in your list! It made me feel good!