Wednesday, August 02, 2006

All the Leo birthdays!

ok, now it's a shout out to Dad... Happy Birthday Dad!

Blog Prompt: Indulgences
My favorite indulgence is my computer time. I so enjoy dsp and digital scrapbooking and learning new techniques. It is hard balancing all the things I want to do and the time I have to do it. So again, more computer time with be my indulging wish or like someone else said, more time in a day would be good too :)


Glynis said...

What a fantastic indulgence digi scrapping is, isn't it? And how else would we have much such a group of wonderful ladies! And btw, that layout of your MIL is GORGEOUS!

heather said...

Computer time is a great indulgence that I enjoy too, though sometimes I overindulge!! :)