Ok, First I have to sent a Happy Birthday Shout to my Mother-in-Law.... Happy Birthday Sweet lady!
Prompt from Meg:
Describe a childhood game you used to play. Who did you play with? Any special (ie. made-up) rules?
I don't remember much before the age of 10 or so. I do remember riding bikes where we lived in the culde-sac. We'd go around and around in circles, all us kids in the neighborhood. That's wear I chipped my front teeth...lol.. oh and the rules, well I only remember one... which was from my parents -- you have to sit and let your food digest before you can go back out and play after dinner. I was always plopped down at the front door just staring out at all my friends riding around while I "waited for my food to digest".... fun fun!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIL. What a beautiful page Debra.
Riding bikes were fun when I was little but there were too many rules of where I could go and how long etc. Did you ever get your chipped tooth fixed? I chipped mine kissing my hubby on an amusement park ride, oh but that's another story.
Your MIL must be a special lady. SHe is just beautiful!
Happy Birthday to your MIL.
My parents had the same food digesting rule too. I remember sitting on our front porch shouting inside to my mom every so often "Am I digested yet?!!"
Bikes give you such freedom.. love your layout too, and your blog is looking great!!
Riding bikes used to be so much fun. Now we live on a cut-through street and all the kids speed past, yakking on their phones- then add in the "alleged attempted abductions" we hear about every so often- my guys aren't allowed to go far on their bikes without me. I miss that innocence.
LOL at digesting- that was a huge one when we went swimming.
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